FTB members want an independent, free-market based, constitutional republic for California and for ALL Californians to live in peace and liberty--no matter what a California citizen's race, color, creed, religion, or gender.
By submitting this application, I attest, I am NOT a member of or a supporter of the following:
Any racists or hate groups that include but are not limited to following: any skin-head affiliations, Aryan Nations, Stormfront, neo-nazi, the KKK, etc.
Any violent, socialist reconquistador organizations that include but are not limited to the following: Atzlan, Azteca, Brown Berets, La Raza Councils, MAYO, MAUC, MALDEF, etc.
Any member of FTB found in violation of the above terms will be expunged from the organization.
I would like to join the FTB Organization-
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