Hurrah for you who stand freely and bravely in defiance of tyranny! May God guide, protect and speed your efforts."If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."-Samuel Adams
Mike Marinacci - 02/28/98 05:53:58
My Country/State: Occupied California
How I found this site: DixieNet
Excellent site! I have long said that my primary "patriotism" is towards the land and people of the Bear Flag Republic. It's good to hear that I am not alone.On the edge of the Millenium, true Nations are emerging from under the shadows of Global Monocu
ture, International Capitalism and World Government. From Californians to Catalonians, from Tibetans to Tatars, and from Hawaiians to Hutus, once again the earth's diverse peoples and faiths assert themselves against centralist tyranny. Self-determinati
on for all!
Darrin Bearden - 02/25/98 04:56:23
My Country/State: Emerson, GA
How I found this site: League of the South webpage
I am a Southern Nationalist and I commend you for your efforts to break away from our overbearing federal government. Secession is not an unreachable goal and I encourage you to not lose sight of your goal. May God bless you richly. Long live Dixie!!!
Robert Anderson - 02/19/98 16:28:22
My Country/State: Florida
How I found this site: League of the South
Your site is very nice. I hope your struggle ends in success. If California yearns for freedom, then I would be happy to stand next to those patriots who dare to yearn.Sincerely, Robert Anderson Fighting for the South
Tom Chittum -
01/31/98 03:28:47
My URL:http://
My Favorite Book: Civil War Two
My State/Country: NJ
Visit my site for info on all secessionist groups
Erik Christensen
- 01/27/98 22:12:38
My Email:ejchris2@students.
My Favorite
Book: "We"
My Favorite
Movie: "Hard Boiled"
State/Country: WI/USA
I accessed the site as part of a research project for a
class on was a valuable resource, and i am
glad to have found this site. thanks for publishing
01/27/98 19:23:35
My URL:htt
My Favorite Quote: See My Home Page, They
Change Weekly
My Favorite Book: The Star Chamber
My Favorite Movie: A Time To Kill
My State/Country: Texas
Best of luck in establishing your own union. For many
years now we in Texas have been wishing an earthquake would
sink California, but if you wish to do it yourselves,
please do!
Tom Baker -
01/19/98 06:02:45
My URL:http://www.g>
My Favorite
Quote: "You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I
will. War is cruelty and you cannot refine it."
My Favorite
Book: Les Misérables
My Favorite
Movie: Richard III
State/Country: California/California Republic
Excellent website. I share your opinions and views on
California's independence, along with Texas's and the
souths. I believe that California should secede and either
create its own republic (California Republic) Or join the
south when it secedes (governing itself but having the
advantage of belonging to a
government for military resources, etc) And by the way to
all of those that say Northern California is so much better
- I am in Southern California and I am not "mexican" etc.
No the mexicans probably won't secede, but whose fault is
it that we have so many bloody
mexicans? Sure as hell not Californians. Can someone say
FEDERAL GOVERNMENT? United States? Lack of attention in
every way by the government of the United States for the
state of California? One reason crime and gangs ARE so high
along with immigration and
god knows what else is because fat bloated politicians sit
on their high chairs and chew penuts all day on tax payers
money and quibble. If Californians stopped paying taxes to
the federal government and instead to California's
provisional government,
crime, polution, immigration, etc. would all be over. The
streets and cities would be nicer. Californians pretty much
support most of the rest of this country. And even so we
are still the most wealthy state. The entire point of this
"union" We belong to is
so that no one territory/state is alone, financialy,
economicaly, etc. Those paved roads you walk on out in
Montana or Wisconsin or North Dakota, and those power lines
that bring you electricity, weren't payed for by the
citizens of Montana or Wisconsin or
North Dakota, no, they were payed for by Californians.
Californians pay so much more than they recieve. Our tax
money provides the poorer states like Arizona and Nevada
and boonie states like North
and South Dakota WITH everything they have, because if they
were on their own, without the help of the federal
government, they would starve and die. California gives
more than it receives economically and financially. So
whats keeping us? Why stay with a
union thats doing nothing more than bleeding us to death
when we could run ourselves smarter, easier, better.
Without the United States, we are better off. We worry too
much about supporting others instead of ourselves. More
border security, more money to
law enforcement and our cities and towns, without the US
bleeding us to death this would be a wealthier, nicer
place. So
Californians, when the referandum comes, vote for
secession! Stop letting a foreign power rule you by the
neck. Resign.
Tim Dunkin -
12/22/97 22:42:13
My URL:http://www
My Email:q146@academic.truman
My Favorite Quote: "When the people fear
the government, there is tyranny. When the government
fears the people, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson
My Favorite Book: 1984, by George Orwell
My Favorite Movie: Braveheart
My State/Country: Missouri
Go for it! Without California polluting the rest of the
country, maybe America can return from the moral and
political abyss which the liberals have plunged us
Bent Nord -
12/11/97 15:01:59
My Favorite
Quote: Viva Castro!
State/Country: La Norvege
Go for it! We got rid of the Swedes in 1905 and never
looked back! The US is the most hypocritical and greedy
country in the world, not to mention a bully. Screw them,
and release yourself. I wholeheartedly support your quest
for freedom, and hope for you
support in our struggle for an independent Kingdom of
Daniel Coheleth
López - 12/08/97 03:39:36
Your Favorite
Quote: Viva Tejas!!
your Favorite
Book: The Holy Scriptures
Your Favorite
Movie: Braveheart
Location: Dallas, RT
Visit our website. Let's support each other in our quest
for Freedom, Justice and Peace.
Dave - 11/30/97
Your Favorite
Quote: There is not a truth existing wish I fear, or
would wish unknown to the whole world. Thomas
Location: New York
California's problems aren't only with the United States,
they're also with Mexico. You guys should be trying to
free Northern California. Southern Californians are
predominately of Mexican origin and will never secede with
- 11/30/97
Location: The Republic of Texas
Greetings from The Republic Of Texas. Contrary to press
reports,we are not all half crazed yahoos with guns, and
our demise was greatly exagerated. We're here and we're not
going away. Viva la Republica de California! We are your
brothers and sisters in t
e fight for the freedom that has been stolen from us both
along with the States of the union. Your hope is our hope.
Your fight is our fight. Your victory is our victory! May
God be with you all!
Nick Teng -
11/24/97 19:10:01
Your Favorite Quote: "The Price Of Liberty Is
Eternal Vigilance"
your Favorite Book: "Paved With Good Intentions," by
Jared Taylor
Your Favorite Movie: "Crimson Tide"
Your Location: Long Island
I support your goal to secede. California should be saved
from the diabolical clutches of Third-World Socialism and
the citizens of California deserve to be a free and
independent people. God Bless you all!
Bernard Chabot -
11/22/97 14:59:25
My Email:bchabot@interlinx.qc.
Your Favorite Quote: l'homme est la nature
prenant conscience d'elle même
your Favorite Book: Genèse de la société
Your Favorite Movie: Citizen Kane
Your Political Party: La Patrie, Québec
Well, we are not alone in North America...
Hope Québec will be independant before California...or
British Columbia
Remember that there were 5% sovereigntists in Québec in the
60s, 49,6% in 1995. And growing...
Michael Scott -
11/04/97 17:10:47
Your Favorite Quote: There is not a mind so
brilliant, nor a soul so noble, that it can not be beaten
to death with a truncheon. R. Heydrich
your Favorite Book: Watership Down
Your Favorite Movie: Stalingrad
Your Political Party: 1V1R1F!
California must have been a nice place. It will be